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For the past three years I have specialised in Past Life Regression Therapy and have found the process not only amazing and awe inspiring, but personally transformative.  People can often over use these terms – amazing, awesome, transformative – but for me this has been true.   Whilst studying for a year in order to provide this service to others, I was required to work on myself and of course that exploration of self provides for change and growth.  Every bit of information received is like finding an unexpected nugget of gold or like shining a spot light on those dark corners of the Soul, with the very act of looking causing a shift in the areas under scrutiny.  All sorts of realisations and ‘aha’ moments ensued for me causing negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs to be released.  For me that process continues in my daily energy work and I have had many sessions with my peers since qualifying.  I believe that healers must walk their talk and that they should actively continue to work on themselves whilst assisting others.  I am a strong believer that energy management should become a daily practise, a continuous exploration of the emotions that come to the surface through the shifts and changes of our energy field.  I do not believe that anyone has done enough work on themselves or should stop this process and indeed I have not wanted to as I have found it fun and exciting.   Of course we need periods of time for reflection and rest as it can’t be intense work all the time, but for me it has become a way to live my life.  In fact it has become a passion of mine in which I find a lot of joy and through which I believe that it allows me to free my Soul and live fully in the now.  The term freeing the Soul is exactly how it feels, an unrestricted expansion of self.

A session of Past Life Regression Therapy is extremely direct if the correct intention is set and will go straight to the root of a problem, allowing the emotions and beliefs held there to be released.  Often this occurs in one session or may need a series of sessions, but the very act of clearing will cause a shift and realignment of energy and the client often feels an immediate sense of relief and of being unburdened.  I use my intuition and experience to follow the energy and act as a facilitator for the client whilst they receive and get to grips with the information that is being given to them.

If you are feeling that there is a strong emotion very near the surface that there is not an obvious reason for, or that random negative thoughts keep going through your head, then a session of Past Life Regression Therapy could allow you to understand the source of those emotions, thoughts and beliefs and for them to be released.  Often they are related to the thoughts and emotions from a past traumatic event which have become stuck in the energy field.  By reviewing these thoughts and beliefs you can often gain clarity and understanding on situations in your current life and therefore start to move through life in a different uncompromised way.  A good example of this are fears and phobias that can often represent past life experiences, such as a fear of water when there has been no obvious trauma around water in this lifetime.  By revisiting this experience you can see that fear or phobia diminish or indeed disappear completely.  Of course regression can also take us to past traumatic events in this lifetime, to childhood and even to the womb where our parents emotions at that time can be clearly felt. Where we go is a matter for the client’s subconscious who will guide and protect, revealing only what the client needs to concentrate on and what the client can cope with.

Having trained in Past Life Regression, Future Life Progression and Between Lives Sessions I have begun to realise that our Soul energy is a continuous stream through time and space.  It holds all of the lessons we have learnt from Past, Present and Future lives and it is possible using hypnosis techniques to access those lives on our Soul’s Continuum and to remember those understandings, skills or attitudes that are held there.  Of course there is no linear time in the Soul Continuum which is why all aspects can be reviewed.  This can be extremely positive as by accessing pivotal points in our Soul’s energy we can link to the vibration of our Soul at that time, which often sees our current life shift dramatically.  For example if we link to lives where we were particularly creative, the very act of linking to our Soul’s vibration at that time can lift and alter our current vibration and see a dramatic leap forward in our ability to be creative in this current life.  I have found this so powerful on my current path and continue to enjoy facilitating this fascinating modality for my clients.

Please feel free to contact me if you should have any questions.

Natasha Price is an Energy Therapist specialising in Hypnotherapy, among other modalities.