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Balm to the Soul

Why I started my Podcast Balm to the Soul

I have so many great friends who are all energy based, and doing their own thing, and love the conversations that we have over a cup of tea, often in their homes with animals and children racing around.  When I thought about the concepts that we talked about, the information that we shared and the spiritual thread that ran through most of it, I was convinced that others would find it interesting.  So, I decided to start a podcast so that we could share those spiritual conversations and help others to gain more knowledge and wisdom, and ultimately start or continue their own spiritual paths.  My spiritual path has taken me nearly 20 years to date, and it continues to fascinate me just as it did when I started.  It is this fascination and passion that I want to bring across in my podcast.

Many years ago, the name Balm to the Soul came to me and I loved it.  I cannot remember now what I was trying to name, but it was ultimately never used.  However, it stuck in my head, and it seemed perfect for the podcast, so Balm to the Soul it became.

It has been a constant learning curve to date, and the learning about equipment, sound bites, subscribers and other necessary items continues.  Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks!! The most important thing of all however, is that I love exploring and learning and chatting to all my amazing friends and guests.

To date we have discussed all sorts of energy-based healing therapies, or complementary alternative medicine or holistic therapies, whatever way you wish to term them, such as Reiki, crystal healing, symbols, essential oils or aromatherapy, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Compassion Key therapy, sound healing, compassionate body listening, Kundalini awakening, manifesting what we want in our lives, Past Life Regression, inner child work, hypnosis and much much more.  I will continue to bring new subjects, therapies, and concepts, as well as additional content for all my subscribers.

Subscribers to Balm to the Soul will receive additional energy techniques, meditations, conversations, and content from my book Freedom of the Soul. Follow the link to my subscriber page.

I hope you will enjoy listening to all we have to say, and that you will like, share, and subscribe so that we can allow the ripple of spirituality to spread out.  Thank you for your support so far.

Natasha xx

Balm to the Soul is available on Apple, Spotify, and Amazon Music.