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Our Mission

Our mission at Dandelion Therapies is to help you live a Soul-based fulfilling life.


The seedTo help you to understand how important it is to look after your energy field, and that the health of your energy field affects how you function on an emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual level. If you are not looking after your energy field, or in fact even being aware of the importance of your energy field, then you are missing a piece of the jigsaw that is overall holistic health. By cleaning and clearing your energy field, you can hear more clearly your Soul’s directions, and therefore start to live a Soul-based life.

We offer talks and presentations to all sorts of groups, schools, and businesses to explain about the energy field. What it looks like, what it contains and how we can start to clean and care for it on a daily basis, in order to connect more fully to your intuition.
We also offer Energy Management Sessions, which looks at your individual energy field and what you can start to do to help yourself, depending on what we find.


The shootTo help you to find out where you need to start with energy work. What do you need to focus on first? What is the next step for your spiritual path? It can be very overwhelming with all the information and services that are out there, so to find out the next step for your spiritual journey can be very empowering.

We offer a free Diagnostic Healing Meditation to help you understand your first, or next step. This can be found on our Free Resources page.


The blossom – Once you have discovered energy work there are so many treatments and different modalities that you can try and learn. We encourage you to follow your intuition, your Soul’s whisperings as to where you need to go and what you need to do. We recommend Freedom of the Soul (available on Amazon) which is a proactive workbook, helping individuals to navigate the world of energy management

On our Services page, we have many modalities and sessions that you can select from. This is a time of expansion and growth of the Soul. It is about finding your life’s true purpose and reaching your highest potential. Enjoy and explore!


The flightThis is about expanding your knowledge and growth for the benefit of yourself and others. Not everyone will want to start giving sessions or teaching, but by doing so you allow the essence of your Soul and its life purpose to ripple out to the Community and beyond. Even as an individual doing your own thing, the effect of your Soul’s growth will be felt by your family, friends, and colleagues. When you shift, so will they as they will feel it on an unconscious level. When you align all aspects of your growth to reflect all parts of your energy field, then you can accomplish what you are here to do and reach your highest potential.

For those who would like to do a really deep dive, connecting to and expanding their Soul’s energy we have Soul Continuum Healing, which is a modality devised and written by Dandelion Therapies.