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This summer has seen a lot of planetary movement, with three super moons and various planets in retrograde. I don’t pretend to know the ins and outs of astrology, but I have found it to be very interesting energy over the last couple of months and have been able to clear a lot of negative energy blocks and subsequently increase my self-worth.

A lot of my clients and personal friends have experienced ups and downs and various traumas due to this difficult energy. Luckily for me I haven’t had anything traumatic happen, although I did hand in my notice at work which happened very suddenly and unexpectedly. However, I know it is a very positive move. You could say I cleared my old job for a fresh one.

I have also been clearing on a physical level by sorting out clutter from the house and particularly the garage, getting rid of a lot of old unused items that have been sitting around for a long time. It is an ongoing process, but one that I have found very cathartic and which I am very aware clears channels for new positive energy to come in.

How did I clear negative energy beliefs?

Alongside this I have also been clearing negative blocks on an energetic level. What does clearing negative energy entail? Well basically I have been releasing old negative emotions and beliefs, in much the same way as you would clear a physical space, and which have sat in my energy field for many years. This process, especially when you are conscious of it, can be incredibly enlightening, positive and empowering.

Identifying those negative emotions or beliefs can be difficult, but I would suggest that you start by looking in an area of your life which is not working well, or in which you think there could be a bit of improvement. For example, I started looking again at any negative abundance blocks that I might have. It is always a subject that I come back to again and again, much like a spiral. You clear one layer round a negative block in your energy, but eventually after a period of time, come back to the same issue at a slightly different level or perspective. I looked again at any negative beliefs or emotions which were preventing a flow of positive energy and abundance to come to me. How does that work? Well the energy around us will vibrate on a frequency which is totally unique to us, due to the emotions, beliefs and memories of life experiences that we hold there. If we can remove some of those negative elements, then the vibration that we are giving off will rise. And as we attract people, things and even places on the same vibration as us, it follows that if we rise our vibration so our life also shifts in positive ways. The idea is that if we shift those negative blocks that are preventing abundance to flow to us, more abundance in whatever form will come into our lives.

What negative energy beliefs did I find?

Very interestingly what predominately came up for me was that it was not safe to be seen and heard. This might at first seemed to have nothing whatsoever to do with abundance, but when you are trying to attract new clients and you have a negative belief that you don’t want to be heard or seen for what you believe, you can see that it may affect the clientele that eventually contact you. I have also recently been working on various videos to put on my website, so again if I do not want to be seen at some level, that’s not really going to work very well! I find this aspect of your energy system so interesting, that different parts of it can be conflicted and when that happens movement forward is slowed down considerably. One part of my energy could obviously see how videos could introduce me to new clients, to allow them to see what I was about and what my presence felt like, before they employed me. However, another part of my energy didn’t want to be seen or heard. Subsequently little progress was made as those two aspects were at complete opposites to each other. By removing the old negative belief I was able to remove that conflict and to feel happier to allow my voice and opinion to be really heard with confidence. Another aspect of that, and a particular phrase which I kept finding myself saying to friends was, ‘I didn’t want to put my head over the parapet and make myself vulnerable’. When I used that sentence I had a flash of an image of a soldier scared to be out in the open in case he was shot. Perhaps it was a past life memory, but wherever that negative belief came from it was very present in my energy field. I had obviously been hurt once for being seen and was now scared to be seen for that same reason.

How has this increased my self-worth?

Related to those beliefs, and through doing more energetic digging on myself, I also realised that I felt very threatened when others criticised me. By looking at the negative beliefs and emotions behind that feeling, and by having a Soul Continuum session (which you can read about in my next blog), I was also able to see that should I receive criticism, this did not actually affect the happiness or belief that I felt in myself. It was more to do with where the critic was in their life and where they were coming from. It was not to do with my own self-worth. My self-worth and the value that I put on myself, appeared to be intertwined and related to the negative emotions that were coming up. I was able to look at all these aspects together as well as one by one, afresh and from different angles. Self-worth is so important in whatever walk of life you are travelling. The inner knowledge that you are good enough, and that you are worthy of success and abundance is paramount. Working hard and being conscientious as to the way that you conduct yourself in your chosen work is essential, but no matter how hard you work you are going to receive some criticism at times. That is just human nature. However, after all the energy clearing work I have done this summer, I somehow feel that others criticism is less important to me now which allows me to be much freer in the way that I move through life. What is important is that I work hard and retain the respect of my peers and clients.

Do you have similar negative beliefs?

As you can see negative beliefs are often interconnected, and it can be like unpicking a tangled ball of wool when you start exploring the negative energetic layers of you. For me the negative beliefs involved in this summer clearance were:-

1. I am afraid to be seen.
2. I feel vulnerable when seen.
3. I feel threatened when criticised.
4. I feel afraid to be heard.
5. I feel under-valued.
6. I am not worth hearing or seeing.

You may find that you have similar negative beliefs, and that some of these resonate with you. Perhaps you have an emotional or physical feeling when you read them. If so working on those negative beliefs, or visiting an Energy Therapist is time and money worth investing in yourself. If you struggle to spend time and money on yourself, then an increase in self-worth may be exactly what you need to start working on. Spending time understanding your energy system, digging out and removing negative energetic beliefs and emotions is time very well spent. You will gain a sense of empowerment and expansion which is hard to explain but invaluable. You will find that increasing your self-worth is paramount to your sense of wellbeing and how you successfully move through life.