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Vishnupriya Aristo

Vishnupriya Aristo

Vishnupriya is a healer’s healer certified in multiple healing modalities such as Reiki Energy Healing, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Soul Plan Reading, ThetaHealing and Access Consciousness. She combines all of the modalities she has learnt and also her own spiritual healing gifts to help healers get more clients and achieve their financial freedom.

She is also the founder of ZeroPointHealing, a web directory of all healers, therapists and facilitators. In her ZeroPointHealing Show, she hosts Live Interviews of healers from all over the world to show their gifts and contributions to the world.

Liz Cattermole

Hello, I’m Liz Cattermole.
I’d like to introduce you to the world of Pure Essential Oils from doTERRA
I’m an Aromatherapist and love to use the oils in my everyday life as well as teaching other people.
Essential oils offer a  natural tool to support health and wellbeing and can really help lift a mood, ease anxiety, treat ailments and so much more.
I offer one to one’s and small group Workshops.
Telephone: 07808836755

Liz Cattermole

Conny Starke

Conny Starke has gained a lot of knowledge on teaching and the process of learning over 28 years including how to lead a team of people effectively.
Teacher and clients have to be committed to the process of learning and transformation. A teacher is a guide and facilitator. She is able to utilise her phenomenal teaching skills in YOUR transformation and you will love it as she is 100% committed to her incredible work.
How to become the person you always wanted to be in 10 to 21 days? Smash any addictions and make them something of the past!
Her passion and her gift are to help people to transform and her own experiences with RTHT (Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy) allows her to identify the root cause quickly and with this understanding she is able to turn your life around for you to live the life you always wanted and desired. Claim your life back!
Her expertise is relationships and how we can attract the relationship we truly want and desire. She mainly focuses on men and women who have been in toxic relationships because her own experiences have shown her that particularly men are often cast aside and they see their role as a provider only. This is simply NOT true! Her teachings are based on true life experiences and own researches over many years.
Her mantra is: “To relax you need to feel confident, to feel confident you need to know what you are doing.”


  • NLP Practitioner and Core Transformation
  • RTT Hypnotherapy Certification by Marisa Peer
  • Certified in CBT
  • Diploma in Mindfulness Life Coaching
  • Certified in Psychotherapy (not a Psychotherapist)
  • Certified in Chakra Clearing and Healing
  • Train the Trainer Certification
  • TEFL qualification for teaching English as a foreign language
  • Qualified Teacher (Linguist) and Professional Mentor for Teacher Trainees and Newly Qualified Teachers, teaching foreign languages
  • DBS checked

Mobile: 07753826095

Men you have a right to be heard and listened to without any judgement, become the leader for many other men.

Susie Smith

Susie is extremely intuitive and sensitive to the work needed with each client she works with. As a highly evolved soul, Susie has spent many years studying various therapies and treatments working on herself. Taking the viewpoint that in becoming the best at what she can be, first she must clear, heal, release old energies/beliefs from herself – using many styles of reiki, theta healing, sound healing, past life regression, future life and lives between lives…….all playing a huge part in allowing the release of personal fears, abandonment and self judgement.
Now, Susie offers channeled voice healing sessions combined with reiki/energy release. The sessions can be offered remotely and often involve the sounds of gongs, singing bowls and singing pyramids.
Telephone: 07843478237
